Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So the flight from Atlanta to Dubai was fourteen hours. I watched more movies during that time than I have in the past year or two. Wow. It seemed like it would never end. Ever watched Orphan? That's the most insane movie I have perhaps ever seen. The plot twist in it totally threw me off.

Dubai's airport was enormous. Not that it had a lot of terminals or much traffic -- the place was practically empty. The entrance area was basically a giant glass case with glass elevators behind it with a huge waterfall behind that. The baggage claim area looked like a palace. This is no exaggeration, people! The ceilings were well over a hundred feet high and it was supported by tons of huge columns. So yeah, I got lost here and had to find a way for my luggage to reach India. I was pretty unsure if it would make it, honestly. I just had a bunch of people telling me, "We help you, we help you!" Then I found some baggage folks who actually found my luggage on their computer and sent me on my way. Cool.

I flew out of Dubai with Emirates. They are quite a snazzy airline. They have good lemonade, plus hot towels that they passed out to everyone. Not sure why they passed out hot towels, but it was cool. Almost all of the staff and the pilots were British. One of them even said "cheers," to me. It made my day.

I got to my destination around five and stood around for an hour looking for David. He was outside and stood around for an hour looking for me. So anyway, an Indian runs up to me while I'm looking for David and he goes, "Mr. Herring?" I reply, "Yes." Then he says, "The man from the organization is here for you outside." I started to get a little suspicious, but went outside anyway and found David. David then took me to a little restaurant and got me my first Indian meal. It was weird, but really good. I got this juice from some strange native fruit similar to an orange but tasting more like a mango. It was squeezed right in front of me and then they served it in some tiny cups. It was delicious. The food was some rice cake things with some fried doughnut thing (it wasn't sweet though, it was nothing like a dessert). The basic idea was to dip the rice in some white coconut chutney and to dip the doughnut in some orange sauce before eating. It was really good.

After that, David dropped me off at my apartment and then I got some sweet sleep. Now I'm at the office checking my facebook. Ministry stuff will start this week and I can't wait.


  1. Sounds like it is going to be a blast! How long will you be staying?

  2. Neal,

    I encourage you to lead by example. People rarely change when they have a finger pointed in their face. As Gandi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Turn the tables on yourself. Ask God what He is saying to you. Then as you live this out, the Holy Spirit can do whatever He wants to in the lives of those around you.

    You went to India because you love God and want to express His love to those around you. Love ALL the people you come in contact with. Many of the Americans there may be tired, burned out, discouraged, or weary. Love them, serve them, minister to them.

    I love you and miss you,
