Sunday, May 16, 2010

End of week one

So in my last post I said some things that I was totally wrong about. I was far too quick to judge my brothers and sisters, and I'm deeply ashamed of myself for it. If one of you guys is reading this, I want you to know that I'm sorry. A much wiser Christian showed me Romans 14 and I have to confess that I never consider that passage and definitely didn't consider it in my last post. I've started apologizing face to face for a few of those things and I'm finding that everyone here is much more forgiving than I am. Oh well, live and learn I guess. And the matter on the servants? Well Acts 12 makes it clear that the apostles and the early church had a servant so I guess if the apostles had them, we perhaps can have them too. That doesn't mean that I'm totally okay or comfortable with it though. I'm finding out how unprepared for this trip I am. My original plan was to dedicate a good month before the trip to dig deep into the Word and into God. Ha, that didn't happen though and now I'm paying for it.

Friday (actually it could have been Saturday, but I haven't been keeping up with the days) I went with someone on a little tour of the city. It was amazing. I got to see AND touch an untouchable and some low caste children in a slum. He also took me to a local shrine and I have to admit that it disturbed me a little. The idol was ninety feet high. There were all sorts of little extra things there that are hard to write about on a blog, but I'll put up pictures. God is really doing some good here though, and that is good to see.

When I was seven years old, I remember feeling homesick just from being at a day camp. Besides that, I've never missed home. I'm starting to miss home a little bit now though haha. I just listen to Carrion by Parkway Drive and heard that line, "My love I left, my heart I left, with a promise to return." Now I'm getting all emotional and I need to get off this thing. Hahaha. Oh and sorry about the typos.

1 comment:

  1. Neal, reading the Bible is the easy part, living it out is what really takes faith. It sounds like God is teaching you a lot! And you're listening... that's the important thing. I miss you too!!! Love, Mom
